Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh, so so so happy today is the last day of classes! I am upset that my attendance grade is lowering my anthropology grade to a b, unless I'm really really lucky and get a 100 on the final ahahha if it were all essay I think I could, but the multiple choice get me. So lame also because I barrrely missed this class , I think I missed signing the sheet a few of the days and didn't have time to wait after to sign. UGHHH! oh well! One more paper, one more homework, three finals, and I'm done! For like a month, then I need to enroll in summaaa school boooooooo. It will keep me up on essay writing at least, plus, its much easier to write them when you've been writing them...if that made sense. The weather is getting so nice! I'm wearing a dress today which is exciting, dresses are the best, you just put on one article of clothing and wahhhh la you are dressed! I am happy about all the sweet grocery store deals lately, such as, 77 cent strawberry cartons!!!!!!!! Also, 1$ lettuce! Annnnd milk is FINALLY on sale again. Man, I am so lame, writing about groceries. Well, I suppose I am ready to put my paper together, I am happy that I actually know somewhat what I am talking about in this essay haha and don't have to research and read for an extra 50 million hours. OMMGG, I got told a trick, if you enlarge the periods to 13 pt it makes you paper way longer ahha, yeah, except I don't really have length issues other than my papers being too long...but hey, good thing to know if I ever have a problem filling the pages! I need to start riding my bike again, I miss it! Its one of my favorite things to do here definitely, sweet birthday present! Thanks madre y padre! BTWWWWWW world, I am 21 in 4 months, how exciting! Not that I would ever consume alcohol. lolz, ok, I really am done, need to write! Summer is so close! summer= sedona too!